Jhonatan Azul's profile

Catalogue Herman Miller

Herman Miller, Inc., based in Zeeland, Michigan, is an American company that produces office furniture, equipment and home furnishings. Some signature products are the Equa chair, Aeron chair, Noguchi table, Marshmallow sofa, and the Eames Lounge Chair. Herman Miller is credited with the invention of the office cubicle (originally known as the "Action Office II") in 1968 under then-director of research Robert Propst. During decades, Herman Miller gathers the intelligence and creativity of hundreds of talented designers, producing a series of office equipments and house furnishings.
33 cm x 22 cm, 36 pages
Client : 

Designed by:
Jhonatan Azul Mendoza Alvarado
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Catalogue Herman Miller

Catalogue Herman Miller

At Herman Miller, we want you to do great things. That’s why we make problem-solving designs that are as beautiful as they are useful.
