Liam Barr's profile

Poster Design - Sailor Jerry (REWORKED)

Sailor Jerry Poster - Rework

A few minor adjustments to this one. More spacing for the tagline at the bottom. A slightly smaller logo up top. Original here.
Artist’s Statement
The brief for this project was to shoot through a translucent object, some possibilities include a perfume bottle or a bottle of straight. I decided to do mine on Sailor Jerry, as I thought it’d have strong potential. My decision to incorporate traditional tattoo into the poster design came from Sailor Jerry’s history.

Project Production
Shooting through translucent objects wasn’t an easier challenge, as the bottle collects the reflections of the room. Careful preparation had to be taken to make sure the object wouldn’t pick up the camera in it’s reflection. Further challenges for this brief, included sketching the tattoo and shaping the liquid to appear apart of the graphic. 

Using puppet warp tool, the liquid was shaped quite smoothly and became a strong element of the object. I also attempted using puppet warp to shape the cord of the tattoo gun, but that didn’t really work, instead I ended up making the cord as a brush in Illustrator and attached it to a path. Sketching the tattoo was fun, as it was my first proper use of my iPad. 

The Process:

iPad Work
Lightroom Work
Photoshop and Illustrator Work
Poster Design - Sailor Jerry (REWORKED)

Poster Design - Sailor Jerry (REWORKED)


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