Tom Short's profile

Quiksilver & Mental Health

Branding Brief 

For this brief we were asked to either rebrand a company, or pick a company and an issue that needs to be brought forward into the public eye. I chose to do Quiksilver and Men's Mental Health
My final outcome was a poster design and a t-shirt that would be sold along side the posters run with the public. TI chose to focus on the sport of surfing, and the sea, which many people find calming and relaxing. I thought to focus on Quiksilver's philosophy of always having a good time with your mates they could also have a chance to talk about their mental health.  

I chose to focus on the issue of mental health in men as a I feel it is a topic that isn't talked about enough. With Quiksilver's only main demographic being men between the age of 18-35 that it was an issue many could say they relate to, or have experiences in the past be that with themselves or with a friend/ acquaintance.
Quiksilver & Mental Health

Quiksilver & Mental Health

Branding project in university tackling the conversation of mental health
