Opportunity: Create a series of four DVD packages about four different designers from a particular era for the Plexifilm production company.
Solution: For my package designs, I chose a group of designers from the 1960s: Milton Glaser, Paula Scher, Seymour Chwast, and Herb Lubalin. Three of those designers are still living to this day and their styles are truly unique and worth learning from. The concept behind the set is to show the ways these masters of the 1960s expressed themselves through their words and through their art and design work—hence the quotes and illustrations on the front covers. The body copy on the back of each case is original text that I wrote, which gives a brief description of who the designer is and the film itself.
1960s Innovators

1960s Innovators

A series of four DVD packages about four different designers from the 1960s era for the Plexifilm production company.
