Kathryn Day's profile

Testimonial Advertisments

Learning Effective Copywriting allowed me the opportunity to explore and develop multiple concepts and copy for testimonials. The goal was to communicate a clear and compelling message to the target audience. Well-written copy establishes the voice of a brand, and when words are crafted to connect with images, the voice and tone become one, resulting in more engaging and effective communications.

After taking a hard look at it and thinking about the principles of design I came to the conclusion that I needed to work on the typography and take advantage of my columns and grid structure. I was only required to have three advertisements and one of them was eliminated In the final designs.

A target audience profile (persona) is a fictional character created to represent the different user types within a targeted demographic. These profiles or personas are effective tools to use when considering the goals, desires, and limitations of brand buyers in order to help to guide decisions about a product/service.
Design Comp Layouts 
Craig Smallish explains, "Rough sketches function as the first full visual prototype. They're produced quickly and without much concern for composition or even aesthetics. A rough sketch is meant to communicate an idea, a rough image to tell a story.” 
First Design Layouts
Second Iterations of Testimonial Ads
These advertisements were a second revision and I kept going through the project working on revisions and improvements. I cut down text and took the images out to the bleed line, as well as cut some images out of the project. The background is too distractive for the viewer so the project will undergo more changes.
Final Project
RedRover is a rebranding project for testimonial advertisements. Changes were made to this project, the main issue was readability by decreasing the line length it would be more likely to keep the viewer entranced in the organization's call to action.
Below are the final projects with the soft tan backgrounds. The softer neutral background does not distract the target audience but draws them to the advertisments. Simple and Clean.
The width of a column and number of characters it holds affects the readability of an advertisement. If the column is too wide, it is harder for the eye to follow and the reader gets lost easier. By looking at grid structures and readability this will make for a stronger advertisement. When it comes to line length Nikola (2013) explains, “Line length is basically the number of characters you can place in the column so that the text can be easily readable and visually appealing. Your goal is to set up the text in a way that the reader doesn’t have any disturbances while reading the text.” Grids aid designers by bringing different elements together to achieve alignment hierarchy, and consistency. When correctly done you will have a well-organized and thoughtful design layout (Babich 2017).​​​​​​​
Babich, N. (2017, December 20). Building better ui designs with layout grids.Retrieved from https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/12/building-better-ui-designs-layout-grids/

Nikola (2013, July 19). Columns pt. 2: Line lengths and column width. Retrieved from, http://www.magazinedesigning.com/columns-pt2-line-lengths-and-column-width/
Testimonial Advertisments

Testimonial Advertisments

Testimonial Advertising
