The colourful and vibrant needle-work set against the grey and sombre portraits of famous misogynists result in a sharp juxtaposition, and despite the history of both the technique and the images used, it produces work which treads new ground. In doing so, it challenges our attitudes towards the relevance of traditional techniques in contemporary art.

The way that this project deals with misogyny includes thorough research on each misogynist. The sarcastic undertone addresses a serious issue in our Modern day and age by responding with finesse and not by a direct attack. 

I have chosen specific misogynists according to their power and incredible influences that they had or have on many generations of people. Thorough research on their personal life as well as their history has been done in order to comment accurately on their beliefs and views of the opposite sex. These men are elevated by society and rewarded with the ability to influence the future greatly. Their comments are not just erratic outbursts against women, but they have real consequences. Their words lead to legislation and real world effects, while they mock serious social issues with these statements.
Defacing Misogyny

Defacing Misogyny

Misogyny from a Feminist perspective
