Although not always considered in this way, many theme parks resemble isolated countries – commercially-fuelled countries where the citizens pay to reside. This short propaganda film promotes Theme Parks World, a fictional establishment based on the world's most famous amusement parks. Its aim is to sell its appeal as a single, worldwide country and it certainly carries benefits that lack in our real-life polity.

The many benefits include complimentary breakfasts for all classes, free transport and world-class security. Among others advantages, the happiness level of its citizens would reach unprecedented heights!

The main purpose of this film is to challenge our perception of a well-functioning capitalist society. Inspired by the American presidential campaigns, as one of the most powerful advertisement ever to exist, it uses pompous yet encouraging slogans and is supported by highly convincing statistics. 

Narrated by: Lisa Ray-Jacobs
Theme Parks World

Theme Parks World

Although not always considered in this way, many theme parks resemble isolated countries – commercially-fuelled countries where the citizens pay Read More
