#3 commercial of 2012
-Time Magazine
"It's a savvy play and guaranteed to drive engagement."
"[It]  appears to have won the presidenial election."
-LA Times

• +2.5 Million views.
• Most viewed political ad by 1.625MM in first week it aired.
        (more than the next 5 combined)
•1.25 million more youth votes for Obama than 2008.
When a partner asked who would be a great candidate for a video focused on first-time voters, I pushed for Lena Dunham for obvious reasons (and Daenerys Targaryen for personal ones). 
Working with a solid structure, I gave Lena a ton of wild lines, which she added to with her solid improvised work. It was a funny, dirty, scrappy and all-volunteer shoot. It took about an hour and the created an absolute firestorm in the days leading up to the election. 



"#3 ad of 2012"-Time Magazine I wrote and directed this controversial spot starring Lena Dunham.
