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Coldplay Mylo Xyloto Album Art

This is one of my favorite projects from my Intro to Graphic Design class. The objective was to create a design for an album of you choice as if it were a vinyl album. However, were were given the following restrictions:
-We had 45 minutes to take pictures
-We could only photograph things in or around the parking lot next to the building our class was held in
-We could only use computers to increase resolution of our pictures and print them out
-Any technological manipulations we made could only be done with the lab's photo copier 
-All other manipulation must be done by hand with a cutting blade
-Our choice of fonts for our album had to be from the Helvetica, Perpetua, or Courier families.
Front Cover
Back Cover
Coldplay Mylo Xyloto Album Art

Coldplay Mylo Xyloto Album Art

Create album art using only photos taken in a parking lot and a photocopier.
