The topic about death is often sees as something that is sensitive and emotional. People around us do not usually talk about death although they knew the fact that death is something that would happen to anyone at anytime. The main idea is to gather personal stories from different people regardless any social backgrounds to empower each other. I want to encourage people to share personal stories to empower each other with personal experiences and boost sympathy as well as empathy within the society. 

Talk, share, normalise. 

The idea is to explore and gather how different people would see their death and how would the want to die, if there is a choice. Looking at our current sight of future plans/wish/dreams that one could have. Sight is part of what we see, also could be the sight about what we see our future selves. Future does not need to be only about our career plans, etc but also the end of our life. Part of something that is coming, plus it is something that usually humans are out of hand to be controlled of.
An online questionnaire was set up in order to gather different responses from different individuals. 
I chose to use leather material as my book cover to give emphasis on the 'personal journal' publication aesthetic. I wanted to create a very handmade feel towards the whole publication and therefore I chose to stitch binding the whole publication.
**Some pages on the above preview were not in order due to applying Japanese bound-pocket books (Fukuro toji) style**
Every pages of the book were folded individually and sewed at the loose edge opposite the crease.
On The Dot.


On The Dot.

Journal publication with minimal and monochrome approach, compiling different death wishes and thoughts with the only aim of empowering each othe Read More
