Max Dahl's profile

LIV | Health Hub


People suffering from lung disease must worry about oxygen levels in their blood and maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage relationships, stay active, independent, and be in control of their health goals. This can result in a very stressful life balance, amplifying the moral pain, the feeling of being sick. LIV helps people with lung conditions maintain these connections while constantly monitoring their health. LIV has a social and stigma-free design, which results in a blur between medical device, health hub, and social platform.
People who currently suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Emphysema are at mercy to what is known as a progressive disease. This means that without a substantial amount of physical activity, the disease will gradually progress and lead to death. Currently more than 90% of sufferers find it merely impossible to adhere to the daily life and activity requirements to keep the disease at bay. With LIV this can be mitigated, you will feel connected and empowered by a community of people there for you through this journey. On the LIV app you can find discussion boards, social media integration, and home workouts to keep you healthy, mentally and physically fit. 

I interviewed a COPD patient off for eight weeks. I gained a tremendous amount of insight first hand. The most important insights gained were related to limited mobility. Every oxygen related adjustment had to be manually performed on the machine, resulting in a debilitating lifestyle.

It was important for me to understand exactly what a user went through in their day to day lives and how the interaction with an oxygen concentrator affects them. Shown above are a few things I wanted to address regarding the user experience.

The process began with low fidelity sketching, foam carving, and CMF exploration. I Finally transitioned into detailed CAD modeling once I had a purposeful direction.

Color and texture psychology are increasingly important in the medical space, I wanted to be progressive and incorporate emerging materials and colors to maintain a pleasant interaction.

To allow for increased mobility I designed the oxygen concentrator to be the patients mobile health hub. A removable, wirelessly connected touch dial would be used to increase the users range. Resulting in more independence throughout the patients home.

The final form is designed to highlight the frame, beauty of material and varied manufacturing processes. LIV also has two interchangeable on board oxygen tanks for emergency situations, this is important to have when a patient sporadically uses energy or if a patient needs the extra oxygen from a busy day.

Through studying the construction and technical breakup of existing concentrators I was able to build an approximation of what the interior of the product might look like if it were to be fully engineered. 

The oxygen concentrator user experience was designed to present users with an extremely efficient method of checking their relevant health information, on multiple devices.


Smart dial uses Bluetooth and low energy Z wave to cast a signal up to 500 ft, providing you with a direct connection to your oxygen concentrator throughout your busy day. 

I made sure that Smart Dial had an intuitive user interface. Remember, LIV is an ecosystem where you can connect, learn, empower, and communicate with a community of people who understand what you’re going through.

The lack of physical decoration on the sides of the dial creates a level of visual intrigue. Smart dial is designed to elegantly blend with your current product ecosystem.

The shell of the smart dial is machined from 7000 series aluminum while the internal housing is injection molded using Tecaform, a medical grade plastic which will protect the dial for the life of the product.
Model One Award.

LIV was chosen as a winner of the 2018 Model One awards. The annual Model One Awards (MOAs) embodies the spirit of design and innovation. The prestigious MOAs recognize industrial design students for excellence in product design. The MOAs offer students from design schools across the country the opportunity to showcase their skills, creativity, and originality.

The awards also give universities and design schools a platform to promote their design programs and gain visibility as leading design institutions.

These eight students from various institutions across the United States have challenged themselves and developed products that enhance quality of life, improve safety, disrupt current technologies and utilize new design concepts.
LIV | Health Hub

LIV | Health Hub

LIV is a medical hub for those affected by respiratory illnesses.
