A flag that has seen more proactive flag waiving than passive flag flying. This is the flag of Jeff McNamara a.k.a. "Flag Man."
McNamara has been seen on all four local news channels in Denver, Colorado. The reason is simply for waving the American flag. 
Since November 2016, McNamara has been waiving the Flag in Denver. However, the overpass next to Green Mountain is one of his favorite spots, not only because it's twenty minutes away from his house, but because he's able to be seen by so many people at this location. 
An overwhelming amount of car horns erupts from the highway travelers. McNamara estimates that he's waived the flag between 170 to 200 hours. 
"I started doing the peace sign because people were doing it to me. I think the peace sign is a good way for Liberals to relate to what they see in the flag."
Colorado's C-470 Highway sees anywhere from 80,000 to 100,000 cars a day. McNamara says that, "Based on the small sampling of people that I have gone out of my way to ask, it seems that 8 out of 10 people have seen me waving the Flag."
"Why I started waving the flag was different than why I continue." McNamara says that he wanted to do something as a response to the amount of divisiveness and anger that he was seeing just before the election. He started waving the flag on November 6th 2016, that tradition was held everyday for 14 months, through rain or shine. 

McNamara has many people come up to him and thank him personally for waiving the flag, especially American Vets. "I had one guy that came up, and he just stood at attention and saluted the flag. Then he told me that he was about to be deployed to Afghanistan, and that what I was doing was at the moment really important to him at the moment."
"So many Veterans feel like they gave their all, yet they feel like the country and the average citizen is kind of forgetting about them. Right now, they're saying Seventeen Veterans take their life, a day." McNamara says, the reasons he continues to wave the flag to this day is to honor the American Veterans that have sacrificed for their country and fellow countrymen. 
"G-d gave me courage to do this whole thing. I really don't care who comes up to me with whatever stories they've got, or whatever curses they've got. I've had people try to run me over, three times. But right now, when I waive the Flag, I want to tell people that it's not me anymore, it's about something bigger. Who cares about a few haters, they're noisy and then they leave, but to the rest of the people it means a lot to them. And I'm not going to wait, as long as I can, I intend to continue waiving the flag." McNamara waves the flag in memory of his father John McNamara who served in World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam. 
Flag Man

Flag Man

Flag Man, American Flag, America
