Tyler McElmurry's profile


My intentions behind the piece were to show Martin Luther King Jr.'s strength through all of the negativity and hatred. The piece shows his resistance and withering, but sturdiness and strength through the suffering. It is very organic in order to represent peace and the contrasting color choice represents these two belief systems. MLK Jr. is shown as blue to represent calmness and peace, whereas the orange represents harshness and fire.

This piece was produced through repeated sketching and manipulation. I utilized Photoshop in order to make it feel like it brings you back to MLK Jr.'s life, live in his shoes a bit. All of the shapes were eventually created in Illustrator to really allow for him to feel water-like instead of rough and rugged.

This Illustration represent perseverance and the ability to combat the cruel world and stick up for what is good in the world. Martin Luther King Jr., you are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for you unbelievable sacrifices.

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."_Martin Luther King Jr.



Poster Design to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.
