Jiri Krejcirik's profile

analog photography [zenit,minolta, practica]

selection of 35mm photographs, which are my levitating memories. Pictures was shot by group of metal eyes- Zenit TTL, Minolta x300s, Praktica BC1…
dog in pilsen above the tram................................
tram number 1 or 2/ people in front of polish shop/ lying shadow on a glossy stones which are melted by the time(((((
reflection on a surface of my green tea, which i usually drink in the morning or in a situations when i force my self to do something what i don`t want to bother with////////////
reflection of spanish students, whose were like a pepper in our grammar oriented unflavoured english soup_______________
my african friend Honza:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
taja, mirror, taja and me///////////////////////////////////
analog photography [zenit,minolta, practica]

analog photography [zenit,minolta, practica]

selection of 35mm photographs, which are my levitating memories. Pictures was shot by group of metal eyes- Zenit TTL, Minolta x300s, Praktica BC1 Read More


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