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The New York School Minimalist Posters

   I chose to use the top from Inception, the movie as my representation. I chose the top mainly because it is a key object that Leonardo DiCaprio's character used to keep himself tied to reality. I simplified the basis of the movie by only using one of the many key points and objects from the movie with a texture background and color palette that matched that of the movie. For this poster I did not use gradient, but I used texture as the background.  
   For my Person of Interest poster I chose to use the iconic "person of interest" titling, "threat eliminated X," and "potential threat triangle." I chose these things because the whole story really centers around the machine, how it is always watching, how it sees us, and how it helps save people everyday without their knowledge. I only used the key points about the machine such as the camera and how she views people, or categorizes them, which is the red and yellow shapes. I used a texture background that was dark grey and a bit rough with a faded kind of look to better represent where the show takes place, New York, as well as the mood of the whole show, which was kind of a thriller. 
   For my Alice in Wonderland poster, I used the Cheshire Cat as my main point. I chose the Cheshire Cat just because he is my favorite character and also because he embodies the mischievousness and playfulness mood from the movie. For the Cheshire Cat I only used the most recognizable features about him, such as his big round and slit pupil eyes along with his large toothy grin/smile. For this poster I used gradient to properly shade Cheshire's eyes. 
The New York School Minimalist Posters

The New York School Minimalist Posters
