Zulfugar Eyvazov's profile

"Call Of Chuthulu" Animated Character Portraits

A little fun project for the colleagues:  For the past few months, me and colleagues have been playing Call Of Cthulhu pen and paper RPG. I thought it would be a fun idea to illustrate our characters and make animated portraits of them. Mostly inspired by some of the Heartstone and Qwent card animations and the Darkest Dungeon.

 Jackson: A traveller from a rich family, who searched the world to find meaning but found himself mastering a cursed katana sword. He is also a trained martial artist , and will do anything in his power to stop a secret dark organisation, which he was once a member of from taking over the world. Step 1 is figuring out how to master the cursed katana/sword which he stole from them. 
Tommy The Gun. A little trigger happy but loyal ex-con, who found himself in the world of  mysticism.
Beastmaster Bastiaan. Bastiaan almost always liked animals more than people. While traveling the world he witnesed a strange ritual  Altough details remain  blurry he found himself being able to form bound with animals (wolves) and  also gaining some extra instincts.
"Call Of Chuthulu" Animated Character Portraits


"Call Of Chuthulu" Animated Character Portraits

A fanart and a subtle animation for my character from Call Of Chuthulu board pen and paper RPG game , which we've been playing with the guys at t Read More
