Ferriera Stramezzi

“Ferriera Stramezzi” (Stramezzi ironworks) was founded in Crema (northern Italy) in 1913
by entrepreneur Paolo Stramezzi and the brothers Fortunato and Gerolamo Marazzi.
The first plant of the ironworks was a former small factory  for horseshoes.
During WWI the ironworks had a strong development due to army orders. In 1938 the factory entered the steel business too and in 1942 it was renamed as ”Acciaieria e Ferriera di Crema P. Stramezzi e C.” (“acciaieria” means steelworks).
During WWII, in December 1944, the factory was heavily bombed. After WWII the factory
was slowly rebuilt and its re-development was facilitated by low-cost energy supplied by AGIP.
In this industrial phase the most important activity of the plant was related to bolts production.
After several crisis of the steel market in Italy, the factory went bankrupt in 1994 and totally closed.
Ferriera Stramezzi

Ferriera Stramezzi

Former ironworks "Ferriera Stramezzi" in Crema, northern Italy
