
The form of my jewellery comes through the study of materials. They become my guiding line. Being natural or artificial, different materials allow me to experiment on discovering their properties and memories of time that are captured within them.

My personal memories live within my topos.
A photograph captures time. It brings to mind lost memories alongside with feelings of the past.

In this collection, bronze, like a golden timeline, highlights personal memories and connects life stories together. Carved wood, contained natural sponge, broken china and natural seeds bring to mind stories that have been forgotten through time.

Bronze, wood, acrylics, china, resin

Bronze wire, wood carving, pyrography, acrylic paint, natural sponge cast in resin, lost wax casting of natural seeds, hand – cut china
Timeline: Nicaragua_brooch
Wood, bronze, acrylics

bronze wire, wood carving, pyrography, acrylic paint, lost wax casting of natural seeds
Timeline: Christmas Breakfast _brooch
bronze, broken china, wood

Bronze wire, wood carving, pyrography, acrylic paint, natural sponge cast in resin, hand – cut china
Timeline: Poros_brooch
Bronze, resin, china

Bronze wire, acrylic paint, natural sponge cast in resin, lost wax casting of natural seeds, hand – cut china
Timeline: Agios Petros_brooch
Bronze, wood, china

Bronze wire, wood carving, pyrography, acrylic paint, lost wax casting of natural seeds, hand – cut china