Artist Statement

            My final project is something very personal and close to my heart. Being from Singapore, this is the first time that I am away from home for such an extended duration of time, not to mention in a country so far away. To have a place to call home is very important to me personally and thus I have had to adapt to this new environment by making and experiencing Providence in my very own way. In essence, I have created a home away from home for myself.

I personally take photographs that are very narrative in nature, and this series is no different. These photos document the idea of the home I have made for myself in Providence. They are intimate images that express my personal, unique perspective of my friends, activities, sights, etc. – all of which are part of my daily life here, and have helped build this bubble of joy, security and love. These constitute my idea of a home here. It is not a physical place, but rather a feeling. It is my hope that this series of images would encapsulate the warm, fuzzy feeling that I get intermittently as I go through my day-to-day life.


