It is widely recognized that animated reading, it’s extremely helpful for children with dyslexia problems.
This illustrations are part of a student Final Project for University of Trieste (Primary Education Sciences).

Starting from a simple storytelling and a main character, the educational project includes other activities which aim to help children between 6 and 8 years old.

Filippo, a small hippopotamus who was completely different from all the others and therefore misunderstood, is eventually appreciated and imitated by his companions for his diversity.
A relaxing palette and clear forms make the story simple and pleasant, as the reading itself should become for these future little readers.
When they were born, the hippos came crawling along the sandy bank of the river. 
Filippo, on the other hand, immediately stood upright.
The more he grew, the less he descended on his four paws.

He could see things that no other hippopotamus had never seen before.
"I can see well beyond the bushes!" he said. 
But the others replied: "And what's your advantage?"
"I can see the fish from above!" said Filippo. 
"And So?" replied the other annoyed.
"I can reach the fruits of the trees raising a single arm!" he added.
"You are the only strange one, here" they said.

One day, Filippo decided to leave.
He was sad and very disappointed.
He had not made much progress when he met a monkey.
"I can stand up!" he told her proudly.
"And I can see distant things!"

"I can stand on my head too." Said the monkey. "And I can hang myself by the tail!"
Filippo was amazed.
"Can I learn that too?" he asked.
"Of course!" Answered the monkey. "You just need a little practice and a little help."
Filippo worked hard to learn monkey tricks 
and the monkey seemed happy to help him.
When he finally learned to stand up on his head 
and hang himself by the tail, he proudly went back to the river bank. 
"Watch!" He said. "I can stand up on my head!".
"And So?" The others did not know what to say back.
"And I can hang on with my tail!" Said Filippo. 
But they looked at him bored and repeated:
"And So?"
Filippo was angry and disappointed
and he decided to go back to the monkey.
Walking away, he turned just for a moment 
and do you want to know what he saw?
Here they are, all the others rolling on the ground 
trying to get on their heads and hang theirself by the tail!

Filippo smiled.
 on the river bank has now changed forever.