Dog's abdomen and pelvis anatomy diagram

Digestive system - Circulatory system - Nervous system - Urinary system - Female reproductive system - Male reproductive system
Digestive system
Esophagus - Stomach - Liver - Pancreas - Duodenum - Jejunum - Ileus - Cecum - Colon - Rectum
Circulatory system 
Abdominal aorta - Caudal vena cava - Portal vein
The nervous system 
Sympathetic trunk - Dorsal vagal trunk - Celiac plexus - Cranial mesenteric plexus - Intermesenteric plexus - Caudal mesenteric plexus - Hypogastric nerves - Pelvic plexus
Urinary system
Kidney - Ureter - Bladder - Urethra 
Female reproductive system
Ovary - Uterine tube - Uterus - Vagina
Male reproductive system
Testicle - Epididymis - Vas deferens - Prostate gland - Penis
Evans, H., DeLahunta, A. & Miller, M. (2002). Disección del perro. México: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
Dog's abdomen diagram

Dog's abdomen diagram

Tube map like design that illustrates the anatomical interactions between the main systems of the abdominal and pelvic cavities of the dog.
