Barry Johnson's profile


Video Needed For:
Length:  30, 60, 120 and 150 max
Technology Description: Kevlar bulletproof protection for children, husbands, wives, friends and families that is new, thinner, better than even those worn by police officers and the military.

History: DuPont invented Kevlar nearly sixty years ago. Unbeknownst to most is the fact it has gotten so strong that it rivals that of carbon. A "bulletproof" vest worn by the police and military today are ten X heavier than the best today due to government budgets being restricted. If you look at some of the latest photos of Kevlar style materials you can see it comes in many colorful colors, and can provide great safety for the masses - hence the campaign - and need for the videos.

The strategy for these videos is to devote half of the time discussing the crisis of mass shootings - sprinkled in with we have the solution - and then the other half focusing solely on the solution. We are not going to be showing any guns, blood or gore. We do not believe a) it is in good taste b) it is needed and c) it would take away from the positive message we are bringing. 

Kevlar and its dirivatives have become so strong and powerful, it can be used to make suits, shirts, pants that are comfortable, lightweight and will protect. It's also possible for us to offer window shades, door covers that with one button can automatically come down similar to window blinds. If we wanted to, we could make window blinds as well; however the gaps between each piece are a risk.  The initial ideas for the storyboard will be shown below the videos. We must edit the videos such that they are quite short - two or three seconds and wish to have the news headlines list the total number of dead and wounded. The intent is to bring hope vs. scare but the world is in a very scary situation because the great majority do not wish to carry firearms - but want protection. The technology to offer same is here but nobody knows about it other than the scientists at DuPont and a half a dozen other firms who have been fine tuning the kevlar materials for the past sixty years. 

The storyboards shown below are formative, not final, we are open to any suggestions those we are interviewing may have - but some of the no go's include cartoons and anything other than motion graphics. In some ways, these ads are meant to be tiny documentaries. The focus is the USA for first campaign and global for the second.  We are going to be using music as the soundtrack and tell the story through text overlays as well as the voice of the news casters and survivors. Your job, as an editor is to find the one or two or three seconds that you feel fits into the storyboard and tie it all together into one very powerful piece. We will need a few seconds of credits to give each of the news stations their due for allowing us to use same.  The soundtracks have not been selected; however we do think that a constant use of the gunshots for the first half should be used and  then use something much calmer, smoother perhaps Ride of the Valkyries from Richard Wagner might work. We will be updating this post with both ideas for those we are interviewing - perhaps even featuring some of their work here although no-one is expected to present promo pieces.

We have thirteen other products that must be done in a similar type and fashion as the first two. The quality must be New York, London or Paris ad agency quality and we expect no spelling errors ever to be submitted even in a rough form.