The Story Behind The Mask
a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance.

My Storyline Idea
(Alexis while teaching her history class a student gifts her an apple. She eats it after class and realized that It might have been rotten. She transforms into Hubris because she symbolically ate the apple of knowledge and sin. She completely changes personality and becomes a destructive hero.)

Lion: The lion spirit animal represents courage, strength in overcoming difficulties. The presence of this power animal could also mean that something “wild” or difficult to control is happening. As such, lions symbolizes emotions that are difficult to manage, such a anger or fear. Strength, assertiveness, personal power. A common meaning for the lion spirit animal is predatory feelings, such as anger, aggression directed at someone else or towards you. Personal struggle to deal with these feelings

Winged Lion: The lion was considered as the lord of the beasts and the eagle, and the lord of birds. Hence, the griffin was believed to be an extremely powerful and supreme creature. The legendary creature was believed to be the lord of all beings. Griffins are believed to be safeguarding money, jewels, and other expensive items. The Griffin was also associated by the Romans with the Sun god Apollo, as the Sun is fiery and intense. Hence, it was to be feared and honored.

The Chimera: it possessed strength and speed. The chimera came to symbolize evil–female evil in particular. In the medieval era, it was sometimes used to illustrate and support negative views of women, as seen in the Malleus Maleficarum (a treatise against witches). This book denounced women in general, attributing to them all manner of carnality and wickedness, and comparing them to chimera.
Hubris Mask Design

Hubris Mask Design

A Character design to my Superhero's internal conflict persona, Hubris.
