2018 calendar

For a past couple of months I’ve been working on a project and I’m excited to finally show it off. Its calendar with each month having there own custom illustration within them. Along with this a custom packaging and stand for the physical version to be placed in.

Below are some images of the physical version:
Above is the packaging the calendar comes in. Once open, inside you will find the calendar it self along with all the cards, one for each month along with two special cards.
The card holder haves a triangle design where the front holds all the cards then after each month is over you pull the card out and move them over to the back section.
On the back of each card you will find a full image version of the illustration ground on the front along with a QR code the once scanned will take you to a online version of the image.
I’m really excited to finally show this product off and I was wondering if I sold this would anyone would like to buy a copy?

If you are interested tweet at me or send a email:

Email: hello@andrewsalfinger@gmail.com

Here are some digital version of the cards:
In need of a graphic design? Then you came to the right place. Contact me: hello@andrewsalfinger.com

Want to check out my work : www.andrewsalfinger.com

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2018 calendar

2018 calendar

A 2018 illustration calendar
