Suresh Geddada - Software Testers - Past, Present and Future

Early during the last decade, software development companies were Producing applications by the bucket-load to keep up with the unbelievable customer requirement. The function of the Software Tester afterward, was to (in my opinion) detect the critical and major problems, and most minor issues were simply brushed under the rug to get the item out of the door on time. For the Software Testers, it was (to coin a phrase) "A much simpler time". In this time-frame the Software Testers actively working hard to get themselves understood as a necessary part of the software development process, and not simply some kine of 'bottle-neck' that delays a products release. Suresh Geddada Charge to the testers for actually achieving that objective!

Having worked so Tough to achieve Their aim, Software Testers found themselves under threat, a threat that in a way came from inside their own camp. The threat I am talking about was 'Evaluation Automation'. Loose talk around the offices concentrated on how 'so a lot more useful' this kind of testing has been. Testing can be ran 24 hours a day and repeated many times quicker than a manual tester may do. The humble Software testers have been believed a dying breed. However, hang on a moment....we are still here!

Instead of Assessing the manual testing to Suresh Geddada automatic testing entirely. The move was actually more of a 'leaning' instead. A typical software development company will include just 'some' automated testing. Merely tests where automation would improve the manual testing or save a little bit of time. Some testers have switched over to becoming dedicated to examine automation and that's now their primary job.

So while the street of A Software Tester has been 'uneven' to say the least. They have in fact, now firmly established their role as a essential part of the software development cycle. Once regarded to 'dying out', the Software Testers haven't just 'beaten' the threat of test automation, but actively use it alongside their own work to help it and to improve it.

So What it's shop for the future of Software Testers? Well, Suresh Geddada applications is still going strong and is currently present on other platforms. The hottest 'new' platform has to be the 'iPhone'. It came from nowhere and has topped 250,000 Programs which have been developed. These iPhone Apps are just regular software programs designed to work on a specific type of hardware. Many software testers are realizing that their software testing skills can be transferred over to the new sort of software development, and are becoming iPhone App Testers. There now exists iPhone App testing businesses which are devoted to supplying iPhone App Testers to improve the quality of the fast growing phenomenon.

The future seems bright for Software Testers and IPhone App Testers equally, and that's good news for the people who want Quality in the applications they are using, whether its a PC application, Web program or an iPhone App.

Suresh Geddada

Suresh Geddada
