4chan for iOS Anonymous Sun 08 Oct 2017 13:39:51 No.62804993  >>62808358 # >>62805346# 
iOS programmers wanted (Swift or Objective-C) to help make a good, free solution for browsing 4chan on iOS.
>I'll make the logo
Anonymous Sun 08 Oct 2017 21:05:23 No.62808358 
>>62804993 # (You)
Great, more newfags, now from the worst userbase
Anonymous Sun 08 Oct 2017 14:19:05 No.62805346
>>62804993 # (You)
>the logo in the OP looks like ass
4chan for iOS

Project Made For

4chan for iOS

Some ragtag group of anons (shills) from /g/ decided to make a 4chan app for iOS. Logo's all done.
