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Cigarette Butts Littering PSA

#binthebutt is PSA that aims at raising awareness over the issue of cigarette butts littering on children’s playgrounds in the city of Vancouver. The campaign revisits three world-known children’s tales in order to instill the viewers with nostalgic childhood memories, so that they can reconnect with the importance of playing freely and safely in a non-toxic environment.

The delivery vehicle used in these posters is historical eclecticism; each poster resembles the classic book cover of an old children’s tale, yet it has an unexpected variation offered by the illustration of piled or falling cigarettes. This juxtaposition has the intention to recreate familiarity and aversion at the same time, since we would never associate cigarettes with children. This shocking effect has the intention of provoking a reaction in the and a change of behaviors in the smoker viewer.

The typeface’s contrast between black letters and sans serif also emphasizes the relation between past and present, that is to say between a past populated by familiar timeless children stories and a present in which modern stories are narrated by the use of hashtags on social media.
Cigarette Butts Littering PSA

Cigarette Butts Littering PSA

This set of awareness posters explores the issue of cigarette butts littering in the city of Vancouver. The campaign uses historical eclecticism Read More
