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GPS Tracking Watches for Autistic Children

Children with Autism and other special needs can be non-verbal and are known to just walk off without saying anything. When in social settings, these children may have a hard time interacting with people, even those who may want to help and ask where the parents are. With the advent of GPS tracking watches like the Assure watch from WatchOvers, this problem can be solved easily. When a child with Autism wanders off, the parent can just look up the location on the App downloaded on the Smartphone. There is no need to start calling the police or neighbours trying to locate the missing child.

With the help of GPS technology these watches are able to tell the location of the child with an amazing degree of accuracy. Using the App on your Smartphone, simply pull out the map and you will be able to see the exact location of the child. The beauty of the WatchOvers account is that it can be accessed by multiple authorised users who can help in tracking down the child.

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GPS Tracking Watches for Autistic Children

GPS Tracking Watches for Autistic Children
