Symphony is a mobile-friendly website that helps connect musicians based on their gig and then assists with scheduling. Geared toward music students, Symphony makes it easier for musicians to find the right people to play in that important recital with. 

When I started this project, I was running on a statement I had heard from a camp counselor years ago that good accompanists were in high demand. From that statement as well as the notion that finding group partners can often difficult, I inferred that finding people to play with you in a gig could be a bad experience in general. 

Of course, vague ideas aren't exactly reliable data to run on, so I reached out and interviewed as many serious musicians both currently in school and playing the field. From the information gathered from the responses, I created two personas: Erin and Rick. Throughout the design process, I constantly referred back to them to ensure that I was actively tackling their problems. 
To make the personas more tangible and easier to work with, I created scenarios and user journeys where Symphony would improve their overall experience with either a recital or a gig.

Crafting the Experience
First I made very low fidelity wireframes to figure out what features needed to be where to optimize the experience.
After preliminary wireframes and figuring out what needed to go where, I created a low-fidelity prototype (under a different name). I ran the prototype through user testing to make sure it worked for users the same way I envisioned.
Then, taking user feedback, I updated both the interface and a few of the features to a much cleaner, more thorough, more finished product.
Key Features


Symphony is a mobile-friendly website that helps musicians connect and schedule
