A wider definition may comprise all design activity, from the macro-level (urban design, landscape architecture) to the micro-level (construction details and furniture). Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing and constructing form, space and ambience that reflect functional, technical, social, and aesthetic considerations.

This project reflect all these factors from the micro to the macro level, a long process of folding and unfolding, freezing in time and reaching the end result. The process involved creating many different systems with embedded aggregation that transforms a flat Two-Dimensional structure into a volumetric entity with a series of interconnected spaces.
The design process started with a series of explorations about movements, my start-with inspiration was "SHARK SKIN" and the connections that happen within the skin. From there, I created difefrent series as you see below which kept evolving while progressing.
At the begining, I only expiremented with Horizontal movement, then I took it to the second step while trying to involve vertical direction into the process
After that, I decided to explore more with forms and how i can deform and add to objects yet, being able to bring them back  to their initial state by basic steps.
I call this: The Domino Model
At this stage, I perfected the creation of systems and i started concentrating on the form of the final result and the form it creats while freezing transormation in time
I call this: The Cheese Model
In the follwoing process is where Micro transforms into Macro, Creating an urabn fabric during the continuous process of folding and unfolding.
At the final stage of this project, I combined all the results of the expirements that I have conducted and created  a "UNIT" which can be a "Dwelling" to use anywhere! 
As with the crisis many people lost their houses, this unit can be folded and move it to the desired place from shut-down construction building into the desert.
During the process of un folding, this unit can create an interesting urban fabric which can be a carpet in the desert only with places to sit, chat with neighbours creating un folded city.

The Concept
The project was driven by the use of three words; metamorphosis, space in between and casting.
The Final Modified Form
The undulating wall is reflected from the anechoic chambers, providing both privacy and a connection with the external environment.

Endless Unfolded city
The project has the ability of turning into an urban scale, as one unit can create many others at the process of unfolding. Freezing the “unfolding” process in time would create a temporary urban fabric, continuously changing as the “unfolding” process continues.
Unfolded space