Rajan Bhatt's profile

Cardiology - Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

Dr. Rajan Bhatt treats patients at Spectrum Dermatology and Vein Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. An accomplished cardiologist, Dr. Rajan Bhatt has co-published research related to obstructive coronary artery disease in the medical journal Echocardiography. 

The heart is the organ responsible for the circulation of blood, without which the body’s tissues would be starved of oxygen and die. The heart itself depends on blood, which is supplied via the coronary arteries. Sometimes, these arteries become compromised as a result of inflammation or the buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque. 

This condition is called obstructive coronary artery disease. In patients with the condition, diseased arteries restrict blood flow to the heart, giving rise to symptoms such as chest pain. In its most extreme form, the coronary arteries may become totally obstructed, resulting in a heart attack. 

Research shows that coronary artery disease kills hundreds of thousands of Americans, costing the economy well over $100 billion annually. People can reduce their risk of coronary artery disease by making healthy lifestyle changes like quitting or avoiding smoking, exercising regularly, and improving their diet.
Cardiology - Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease

Cardiology - Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease
