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USELESS™ Collateral

"For us, art is not an end in itself ... but it is an opportunity for the true perception and criticism of the times we live in."

-Hugo Ball, Dada artist
visit USELESS'™ website
USELESS™ is a satirical brand, born from an anti-Consumerist stance. It sell 'useless' products.
This brand was created for a branding project at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology (Bangalore, India).

Everyday, the public faces hundreds of brands trying to sell them a thousand products-most of which they don't really need. Brands often create an imaginary need and convince us that our lives are incomplete without their new product.

So what's wrong with buying a lot of stuff? To satisfy these imaginary needs, our environment is dwindling rapidly due to factors such as deforestation and pollution. Most anti-Consumerist movements are aimed at making us feel guilty and buy less, but who responds well to preachy campaigns?

USELESS™, through satire, and social commentary on brands such as Apple, Nike and IKEA, aims to re-evaluate what is vital and trivial in our lives. It is an anti-brand brand:- a brand that sells to sell less.

So the next time you think of upgrading your smartphone, think of USELESS™'s Gluten-Free Wi-Fi router. 
Do you NEED it? 
Probably not.
visit USELESS'™ website
USELESS™ Collateral

USELESS™ Collateral

USELESS is an anti-Consumerist satirical brand that designs 'useless' products. It is an anti-brand Brand:- it sells to sell less.
