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Web Layout Design: Typographic Hierarchy

Web Layout Design: Typographic Hierarchy

Which is more pleasant to read- a huge block of text, or text chunked, separated, and grouped by association? In today's society we do a lot of browsing on the web, and I think browsing implies a quick glancing-over to gather essential information. Consequently, text on a browser window needs to make its content readable. At the same time, and oddly enough, the design also has to enable the user to read as little as possible and still gather the golden specks of info. 

I tried to focus on the typography its connection to informational hierarchy for this project. For ART230 through BYUI I was required to develop a style guide for a web magazine named Insight. Insight presents interviews and ideas from thought leaders. The final product had to be a single "web-page" to be used as a reference by other designers to create future pages.

Here are the project specs:

- A one page style guide (800px wide x 3000px tall)
- One image with a caption
- One column of text
- Designed to be read on screen
- Simple header that includes branding, search, and 5 navigational links
- Simple footer containing copyright and small navigational elements
- Only class fonts could be used
- Consciously design all space
- A minimum of three colors

Web Layout Design: Typographic Hierarchy

Web Layout Design: Typographic Hierarchy

Typography and Web Design Layout
