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Unit 2: Intro to Digital Film

Unit 2: Intro to Film
Screenplay Analysis (Inglorious Basterds):
In the opening scene of Inglorious Basterds, the action writing indicates Hanz Landa, also known as Colonel Landa, is playing minds games with Perrier LaPadite by grabbing his wife’s hand and kisses it. Along with that, Landa also compliments how beautiful his family is. Secondly, the action writing screenplay indicates who has control by the angle the camera us at. For example, the majority of their conversation is taken with Hanz Landa on the right of the screen and Perrier LaPadite is on the left, but when it gets to the part when Landa takes out his pipe, the camera angle flips. This puts Hanz Landa on the left side of the screen and LaPadite on the right side. This creates the illusion of Hanz Landa being in control of the conversation. The dialogue communicates information about the characters by (not finished...):/
Screenplay Production:
Table Read Notes:

- I find it a little unrealistic because they're arguing in a library and nobody seems to interrupt them
- We should change the ending to make it more emotional
- We could cut to black instead of fading to black at the end
- They haven't seen eachother since the breakup
- I think they still have feelings for eachother

- I think that Peter and Ellie get back together at the ending
- Ellie seems to be a shy person
- I feel like they haven't been with someone after their breakup because they're on eachother's minds
- I think they are either in their teens to early adulthood
- We all agree that the ending line should be more dramatic

- I think the story is very cute
- I find Peter a strange character for wanting to talk to Ellie, even though it seems to be that Ellie left him?
- I agree with Alaia that the story isn't natural, but I still like it
- I want to believe that they get back together and give eachother a second chance
- We should change the ending line to a more dramatic and powerful phrase

-When I first read the script, I thought Ellie is being mean towards her "ex"
-As for Peter, he isn't being subtle, it's so obvious that he still likes Ellie
-It seems like Peter is desperate to talk to Ellie, because he keeps on trying to approach Ellie
-I find the story like an emotional roller coaster, it was humorous, a bit of sadness, and frustration
-I think for the ending, if they are meant for each other, they should be together
11/13 - 16: Discuss
11/16 - 22: Storyboard
11/23 - 27: Filming
11/27 - TBD: Editing
Unit 2: Intro to Editing
Part 1: Cuts & Transitions
Cut - A cut is a basic type of transitioning. This kind of transition quickly replaces another shot.

Dissolve - Dissolving a shot to transition is when two shots overlap each other then one shot slowly disappears.

Smash Cut - A smash cut is used when a scene is calm feeling and suddenly a shot of violence is shown giving an abrupt feeling to the audience.

4  Jump Cut - A jump cut is a cut of the same shot, but the objects are moving. This is known to show the illusion of time passing.

5  Iris - An iris transition is known to be popular during old-fashion films. It is when a circle forms that closes in to a specific part of the film, which causes there to be no shot showing on the outside of the circle.

6  Wipe - A wipe effect is when a shot wipes another so it gets out of the frame.

7  Wipe Pan Cut - A wipe pan cut is when the shot is in a quick motion and a cut is placed between that shot to another 
with the same movement. Kind of similar to a certain type of invisible cuts. pan

Cutting on Action - Cutting on action is when a cut is placed when the shot starts its action. Commonly used during fighting or chasing scenes.

9  Match Cut - A match cut is when the clips are cut from one shot to the other with the same action occurring.

10  Verbal Transition - A verbal transition is when a certain word or phrase is said, but cut to a different shot with the same word or phrase still being said.

11  Cut Away - A cut away transition is when a shot is focused on a subject then is cut to an object irrelevant to the first shot.

12  Cross Cut  - A cross cut is when a scene is cut between two events happening at the same time, but different locations.

13  'L' Cut - An 'L' cut is  when the audio of the first clip continues to play while the second shot is in frame.

14  'J' Cut - A 'J' cut is the opposite of an 'L' cut, which is when the audio for the second shot plays while the first shot is still in frame then the second shot matching the audio gets in frame.

15  Invisible Cut - An invisible cut is when two shots are matched perfectly to look like there was no cut between the two shots.

16  Fade In - A fade in transition is when a shot that is shown slowly fades out until it disappears.

17  Fade Out - A fade out transition is the opposite of a fade in, which is when a black screen is filled in with a shot that is slowly increasing its opacity.
Peter and Ellie:
Unit 2: Intro to Digital Film

Unit 2: Intro to Digital Film

Film, Writing, Screenplay, Storyboarding
