3-D Design & Materials
Student projects done in 3-D design class and Color Theory class
Mirror Cube

Going into the project I really had no idea what I was going to do. The specifications were to create an 18 by 18 inch cube that appears solid and will fit inside a 18 by 18 inch plexi-glass cube with all planes of the cardboard cube touching the glass. To appear solid, all parts that are cut out of the cube must be covered with a plane.

The direction I began gravitating towards was an architectural structure based on line. I wanted to create something that looked different from different angles and directions. The result was this almost Mondrian type cube consisting of geometric rectangles and series of lines. The flat rectangular rectangles within the cube are placed opposite of each other in a reflecting, mirrored position. The outer L-shaped border is also reversed on the opposite side. Construction was somewhat tricky at times because of the switched arrangements on either side, and only when viewed as a whole did it make visual sense.

I can consider the final result a surrealist approach because what you see from one perspective is not the same from another. When the cube is turned upside down, or viewed sideways, it looks similar but at the same time vastly different. It is a subtle change, and to understand the entire concept of the piece the cube must be held, walked around, looked into. It turned out to be quite an interactive, dynamic piece because the cube is cut out in the center and can be observed from the inside out simultaneously from two opposite sides.
Trash Burger

The assignment was to take something and scale it to bigger or smaller than its original size. I came up with the idea to do a giant cheeseburger made out of trash to make a statement about the unhealthy things we put in our body, often unknowingly. Junk food can seem so innocent, especially at a young age, but the effects on our health are bigger than we could imagine. Hence I chose to blow up the size of a cheeseburger to demonstrate how something small can have a devastating impact over time. The inside part of the burger is made of trash I collected on campus. A burger disappears after we consume it, but its effects stick with us. In a similar way we dispose of trash, but the trash doesn't disappear. Most of it ends up in land fills where it contaminates the Earth with toxins. The cartoon-like style of the burger adds an ironic humor and plastic quality.
Ten Feet

The specifications of the project was "make a project that is 10 feet." While some took it as a measurement, I moved in a different direction and translated it more literally. I constructed ten cardboard shoes in a progression showing the time line of different stages in my life. The first "shoe" is a sock, before I could wear shoes. Some of the shoes that follow are a baby shoe, a little girl dress shoe, a uniform shoe worn in Japan, an Adidas walking shoe from middle school, a flip flop, a boot, a track shoe from high school, and a high heel to represent the future. Enjoy.

Fall Leaves and Color

Collected and dried colorful autumn leaves and combined with color aid paper, paint, and newspaper.
Self Portrait
Self portrait made with cut out color aid paper

3-D Projects

3-D Projects

An 18 by 18 inch cube constructed of cardboard. Made to appear solid.
