Seb Osborne's profile Graphic Design

I worked with a great designer and friend on this project, James Harries. It was decided by those in-charge that an overhaul was needed of the website ( Prior to the website in it's form as shown below, it was heavily flash based. As pleased as we were with the results, this posed a number of issues, not least the growth of smartphones, especially those that did not support Flash. Therefore we took it upon ourselves to this time deliver something that is easily accessible for all, simple to navigate through, convenient to update and maintain and also keeping a style throughout the site for continuity.
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The following are some of the graphics and imagery used throughout the website.
This was used when launching the website using the TN3 image slider.
As stated in a previous project, the theme and style of this website was to coincide with the new image created for the organisation. Here you can see how they were put in place.
This is the header image on the website. Simple, yet unique and in-keeping with the brief.
This background has been updated a number of times, this sits behind the content area and is at a low opacity as not to detract from primary content. Graphic Design
Published: Graphic Design

The re-development of a website, keeping it well styled and themed throughout, in-keeping with previously developed graphics.
