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42 (kilometers) | La Lettura 309# dataviz

42 (kilometers)
T R A C K S    A N D    H I S T O R Y    O F    W O R L D    M A R A T H O N    M A J O R S

The visualization analyses the six annual marathons of the “World Marathon Majors”, considered as the most important in the world: New York City, Chicago, Berlin, London, Boston, and Tokyo.

Visualization by Michela Lazzaroni for La Lettura#309, Corriere della Sera.

Published 29th October 2017.
Light version
[1] Tracks 
On the left, it is shown an “imaginary map” where all the marathons start from the same place and unfold following their own city tracks (2017’s races). A dot is positioned every 5 kilometers of each route and it’s shown the linear distance between start and finish.
[2] History 
On the right-hand side, it is presented the history of marathons. The timeline displays the years of marathons’ establishment (its longevity), world records set (male and female), and who set the record more than once.
On the bottom, there are facts and figures on the last edition of each marathon.
42 (kilometers) | La Lettura 309# dataviz

42 (kilometers) | La Lettura 309# dataviz

History and routes of the six World Marathon Majors
