In Identity Design class we did the forced connections project. We were given a two columns of words to choose from. We had to select one from each column that we thought that we could combine and make a logo that was positive and negative.
I went though almost all the words. I picked ones that an idea instantly popped into my head. I pair the word blind with the word library. I knew I wanted to add braille to the logo. The problem was how can I do that. My first sketches were trying to add it to book spines, hands, sun, and even with a guide dog. Around the second set of sketches I was trying to think outside of the box. I thought about touch and thought a fingerprint was like a person feeling for the dots. The braille spells out library. I used the spiral tool to twist the finger print.
Dangerous Foods was another I put together. I wanted to look like atomic explosion with carrot leaves as the explosion or a skull. I didn’t want to just have food on a plate. After drawing more ideas out, I thought bread would make a good skull. I went with that to come up with the bite taken out of the bread look like a scary mouth.
Sweet Jellyfish I knew from the beginning I wanted it to look like ice cream. I struggle with some ideas and went back to researching positive and negative logos. I thought it since the tentacles were squiggly it would look like melting ice cream on a cone.
Tasty Tune was one of the easy ones but I couldn’t get the shape right at first without it looking like a spatula. My concept was all the way through from the first of my sketches. 
Fiery Idea was a similar process with Tasty Tunes. I knew what I wanted to do from the beginning. I did change light bulb look to change up the look. 
The most trouble I had out of everything was United Lunchroom. The concept changed up to the last time for preliminary work in progress. Many of the designs where focused around castles. That didn’t work out and I tried something different. I made a puzzle piece look like a table. The design still didn’t quite work out. I was trying to come up with things that are united like hands, puzzle pieces, and guards. The idea of weaving together two forks that were united came to mind.
I learned through this project was to think outside of the box, that it is important to have reference photos, and to use all the tools I can in Adobe Illustrator to help.
Forced Connections

Forced Connections

Forced Connections Project
