Jepara carving font

Motif carving jepara as the idea of ​​the formation of Jepara carving font
Carving is an ornamental artwork made on solid objects with a concave-shaped motif. Based on the materials used are known term wood carving and stone carving. Engraving is made by skilled hands by taking parts of unnecessary material in accordance with the planned image, so as to form a unique and beautiful decoration. The tool used to carve is carving chisel (in Javanese language called tatah). The resulting image on the surface of a convex (uneven) convex carving connecting. Engraving can be applied to decorate or embellish various goods, especially wood carving on home furnishings or also called furniture carving.

Motif Carving Jepara is a stylation of the creeping plant form. There are several distinctive shapes found in the creeping plant, including small stems lengthwise, the leaves are wide, and the tip of the leaves is pointy. The shape is applied and distillation on the Jepara carving motif, so it appears on the elements - motives Jepara carving consists of:

1.) PangkelKelungStalk of the niche (lung) of Jepara carving decorative long and circular shape. The rectangle-shaped culvert hand carvings.
2.) TasselTassel is a leaf that opens like a fan. width and form a dynamic rhythm. At each base of the leaves of tassels usually come out 3 or 5 pieces (usually called wuni fruit). Each end of the leaf carving motif Jepara shaped.
3.) TrubusTrubusan in Jepara carving motif there are two kinds:-) Trubus that comes out from along the niches of the niche, which is in the form of leaves.-) Trubus that comes out of the segment or branch, which is in the form of flower (fruit lined lengthwise).

The extended shape of each leaf of the original Jepara carving motif is made in a triangular shape. However, in its development the cross section of Jepara carving motif is made in the form of krawing (concave). Jepara carving motif is very good if made in the form of krawangan (translucent) so that Jepara carving motifs are widely applied to decoration on the home fentilasi. to add beauty Jepara carving motif, usually combined with animal motifs, peacocks.

application of Jepara carving font into 16 sub-district name in jepara
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Jepara carving font


Jepara carving font

Jepara carving font for jepara city
