A b u e l a 
Finalista Dimueble 2016
A reinterpretation of a rocking chair.
When passing through the streets of Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon, it is common to see in the courtyards metal rocking chairs. This typical chair where everyone imagines our grandparents rocking on a summer day. Abuela seeks to integrate the outer rocking chair with the interior, rescuing the essential attributes and leaving only what is necessary to rock

Abuela is a rocking chair designed for Mexican families and the rituals that surround our complex family context.
When you think of Abuelas, the first thing that comes to mind is comfort, rocking with pleasure in the favorite chair. Abuela is about having a moment of relaxation, to enjoy the moment. Its materials and simple design allow it to mix in any environment, interior or exterior, formal or informal, grandmothers do not care. They want to be comfortable.
Looking to leave only the essential elements of a rocking chair, Abuela is made of wood, leather and wire. The wood and skin provide warmth and comfort, just like grandmothers
do, they make you feel safe and comfortable.


