Understand the Problem
This project takes on the task of creating strong compositions using something as simple as fruits and veggies. The true challenge of this project is the task of truly creating a composition instead of taking the simple way out by just photographing a apple or another fruit. The final images must contain a composition in which you created, not just pointing and shooting.

Research and Investigate
In the process of researching, I came upon multiple different images which caught my attention. Most of these shared one common theme. This was the act of taking two fruits and cutting them or using the vibrant colors of the fruit to contrast each other when placed next to each other. The first image I have selected is more 50/50 on whether it is good or bad in my opinion. I believe it is a good image for the composition. It was obviously created with care and an image in the photographers mind. But once he/she got his composition together, I believe they could’ve done much better with their technique in creating the image. Their light source, whether it be a flash or a LED light created a noticeable glare on the top side of the apple. Another issue I noticed is that the shadows from the image do not make the photo very dynamic. They used a pastel colored matte background which drained the depth from the image. And lastly, It is low resolution.

The second image I chose is this image of an apple with a bite that had been taken out of it. This photo has an amazing composition in multiple ways. For example, the clarity of the texture in which the inside of the apple contains, the shadows created by a flash or light source, the rule of thirds used to create a composition which does not center the subject but still draws the viewers eye. This image has amazing lighting to created shadows and created the feeling of depth and a darker image. And lastly, I love the use of negative space in this image. The black background meets with the shadows in almost a feathered edge to take away some of the sharp edges of the apple and add to the darker message and perspective of the image.

Generate Possible Solutions
My current thought process is to take the Fruit and veggie project and use it to build on one of my possible concentrations. I have overlooked the idea of Grimm’s Bedtime Stories which all deliver a message instead of entertainment for children. But they are all dark and more “Grimm” in a sense. So to build off this, I am going to use a bedtime story which most children are familiar with, Snow White. In this story, for those who don’t know, there is a poison apple which is bitten into which puts Snow White into a really deep sleep. So one of my images will be taken with an apple, a glass which sits either next to or under it, and a shallow depth of field to emphasize specifically the color and clarity of the apple and it’s wine glass. I plan on leaving the apple out for a while so that the inside of the apple turns more yellow as apples do when they are left exposed to oxygen. This will give it more of an imperfect look to explain the poison of the apple. I will die some water green to sit in the glass below as most people associate the color green with poison. The shallow depth of field will only capture the hand of my “Snow White” but the body will be undefined. I plan on using a soft box flash or a soft light source.
My second idea, just to experiment will be the idea of Frankenstein. I am going to cut and apple and an orange in half because I do not want to contrast colors but want two colors which are close in pigment. I am going to use staples to hold these fruits together such as stitches. Once again, I am trying to take on the bedtime story theme to experiment before the second concentration comes around. I also plan on using a soft box flash on this image because of how shiny and prone to glare fruit can be. I will hopefully get shadows to give the image depth but good exposure on the fruits.

Select AND DEVELOP Best Solution
I have chosen these two for the reason that I think they contain the most of the Attributes to a great composition. The subject matter is the fruit itself, I am using the technique of depth and flash photography, and they all contain a story behind them as I am using the bedtime stories to give each meaning. And each of them has influence from professional photographers who have taken the same ideas on and inspiration from the bed time stories them self. Color schemes in which I have chosen are the red and green c=from the poison will contrast and the red and orange will go well together as they are both warm colors.

Model and Prototype (Create)

I have decided these will be what I will use to create my final images as they came out with the best use of shadows and best overall compositions. I also believe that they have some issues though which I will explain in the next process step. I had a lot of problems with glare and depth as well when using dark backgrounds and low light scenarios
Test and Evaluate


Fruits & Veggies

Fruits & Veggies


Creative Fields