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Font With Everyday Objects (Mod 2)

This assignment was to create a font with everyday items.  I chose to create the Lego Sans font with - what else - Legos!  The human mind can create objects, letters, and images from many ordinary things.  Clouds, grass, knives, string, paper - to name a few.  While most children would not create a font with their Legos, I thought this was something a little different.

The images were photographed on a white background and brought into Photoshop.  I cleaned them up and converted the white background to a transparency.  Resizing the images, I placed them on the bookshelf background as if they were sitting on the shelves.  I added a shadow to give more realism from the "room lighting."  The final image (above) was imported into the module booklet for class in InDesign.
Font With Everyday Objects (Mod 2)

Font With Everyday Objects (Mod 2)
