Flaming Duck (an iron duck with a flame jet coming out of it's head) was built by Bart Dorsa as a present for his father, who is a big fan of ducks, bicycles and Burning Man festival.

Last week the Duck flew in from LA to Msk, successfully passed the customs and appeared on the streets of our town.
The most interesting part began after the sunset. It was a friday night so streets were full of people.Bart pushes the button and a twenty meter flame jet flies up from the duck's head. Before that, everyone liked the Duck and smiled. And in a moment everyone's shocked and terrified… Сouple of seconds later you can hear laugher and see that people are amazed. This is the funniest moment. It's amazing to feel all those emotions sitting inside the Duck, being in the spotlight.
It turned out to be even better than everyone expected. People on the streets were just amazed. Everyone would take pictures and run after you, the cars would beep. All those things give you a really big emotional charge to help you pedal.And it wasn't so easy as i thought! After 15 minutes my black shirt was covered with white salt stains of sweat.
I could get some rest by changing with somebody from the escort cars behind the Duck.
That's how we went through the Moscow night, stopping at the diners or pubs, where the crowd would take pictures, touch the Duck and attack it.The coolest "performance" happened on Chistie Prudi, where a powerful american car decided to support us and spined-up the wheels so much that everything drowned in smoke and the smell of burned tires.
It was the last day the Duck rolles out on Moscow streets. the next day it successfully passed the customs and flew back to California. Bye Duck!
The Flaming Duck

The Flaming Duck

Flaming Duck (an iron duck with a flame jet coming out of it's head) was built by Bart Dorsa as a present for his father, who is a big fan of duc Read More
