Cailean (Norwich Street Photographer) Neal's profile

Colin Hall - Norwich Street Photographer

I find Norwich Street Photography to be the most engaging pursuit. People and their environments really intrigue me and I try to present the aesthetic blend of both to the best of my ability.

I use a quickfire, walking style to take my images. I read the street ahead and manoeuvre myself into positions from which to take the image and move straight along, very often without being noticed at all. I have developed camera handling techniques that allow me take many images of several subjects, sometimes within just a few seconds of each other.
The act of photographing someone would usually trigger a defensive stance from the your subject, so it is essential that I do not disturb my subjects for my work to retain its 'natural' feel. People are beautiful when they are at peace, so its up to me to not become part of the image.
I work at amazing high speeds, using tiny apertures and high asa ratings. This creates a very grainy image, which is not always to everyone's taste ... But I think it's a style that grows on you over time.
As my eye scans the street ahead, I'm looking for anything that could illustrate the beauty of human life. Whether it be solitary subjects, cosy couples or large groups, I'm looking to see if I can capture their essence into a frame (often square format).
I look for emotion. The basic Happiness and Sadness obviously, but also boredom, disillusionment, fear and anxiety. The city has it all in a remarkably small area and it's there for the taking, if you develop your people senses.
Very often, people will be too absorbed in their own lives to give any regard to others. A Norwich street photographer is soaking it all up and looking for a way to show it pictorially.
There is some contention as to whether photography is art. My instinct is that the photographic process is not, but the results can be.
Presenting life photographically is a challenging occupation. Some will feel that the best way to achieve this is to photograph as accurately as possible and leave nothing for your viewer to interpret. Personally, I like to leave questions in my work. I like to allow the viewer's experiences in life to overlay my images, developing depth in to the characters and scenes.
Please take some time to look further at my images and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I have no secrets and would be only too pleased to discuss technique and equipment with any enthusiasts.

Thanks for looking ... Cailean (Norwich Street Photographer) Neal
Colin Hall - Norwich Street Photographer

Colin Hall - Norwich Street Photographer

The Quickfire, Walking Street Photography of Norwich based photographer, Colin Hall.
