The problem with "SIP" is that it deals with horizontal customer market whereas "IGF" is a vertical one (institutional/business), meaning the mass of it's target customers are not found in their daily business. We were required in a small budget to produce a communication system where we would talk to current customers and new prospects who normally have a savings and make them believe the promise of long-term investment with proven track records.

After a selective market survey, we created a mascot called "Mr. I know" who looks like a casual professor but looks very amusing and speaks in a very accessible language, like the one we would normally trust and understand. First we rewrote all the specialised text into a light copy, then put "speeches" into cartoon bubbles acting as call of actions. His job was to explain the promise in the rational slogan: "You + Investment = Easy Future". Evidently we were talking to a learned audience.

The marketing tactics comprised of advertisements in local press and specialised magazines, billboards and marketing brochures to be used by investment advisors in their sales actions. The ROI was positive in two ways. First, they had many phone calls from interested prospects and second, the sales from investment advisors were almost instantaneous.

Remarks: The weaknesses of this task are that we had to differentiate between lump sum and monthly investment and is risky but we had to "dialogue" outside of social media users. We can't create impulse buys in the campaign as it was monitored and had had the approval of the Financial Services Commission who regulates all financial businesses, institutions and the Stock Market.
IGF-SIP campaign

IGF-SIP campaign

Advertising campaign for Investment Professional Growth Fund's Systematic Investment Plan (IGF-SIP).
