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Products to Make Your Morning Jog Easier

This blog was originally posted on Alex Lucio's website here


If you’re a fan of working out, you’ve probably heard the term “Rise and Grind.” This saying is a motivational term for anyone who wakes up and wants to get things accomplished. Your morning jog is a refreshing part of your day, and the best way to start your day off right. Many runners though, are transparent when they admit that waking up and jogging isn’t always effortless. For your next morning run, here are a few products that will make your jog much easier.  

Map My Run App

With the handy accessibility of a phone and a GPS app, you can map out your jog with no problem. Map My Run is a free app that will track where you run as well as the pace at which you go. It can tell you how many calories you burn and your mile/time ratio. You can also share your jog routes with your friends on social media. The app allows you to connect to Facebook and find other friends who map their runs. Whether you jog for fun or for the fitness aspect, this app is a great tool to use on your next run.

Key Holders

No one wants their hands full when they jog, but where do you leave your key? If your outfit doesn’t have pockets, you could try the handy trick of putting the house key in your shoe. However, there are much more comfortable options. There are various types of key holder products. Some are in the form of wristbands in which you can place your key in for safe keeping while you jog. Other key holders can go on your waist or even connect to your shoe laces. With a key holder, you don’t have to waste time worrying about your key while you jog.

Running Headphones

As your body moves, it’s hard for headphones to stay in your ears. That’s why you should use running headphones that are made specifically for high-movement activity. Without running headphones, trying to keep regular headphones in your ears is a hassle and can even slow you down. You’ll find comfort in a product that does the job right.

Cooling Accessories

When you run, your body will naturally sweat. Even with a light jog your body releases heat. Cooling accessories are made to specifically cool you down while you’re jogging. Cooling towels are designed to absorb perspiration and moisture, which cools your body down as you use it. The lightweight fabric is made specifically for your jog or run, the perfect product to keep you dry so you can keep going.

Your morning jog doesn’t have to be something you dread. Whether you jog for the joy of fitness or you’re determined to reach a specific goal, use products designed to make your life, and your jog easier.
Products to Make Your Morning Jog Easier

Products to Make Your Morning Jog Easier

Alex Lucio makes health his top priority by working out and running every day. In this blog, Alex features a few products that he thinks will mak Read More
