laura kicey's profile


Digital Art
imaginary walls
construct is a series of images of places that do not exist. Their composite parts are the culmination of the ongoing photo-explorations of the artist. Using these photographic pieces, collected over three years, the artist blends together the intricate details of doors, bricks, peeling paint and mortar and gives them a new color and place of their own.

As a collection of pieces construct, creates places at once surreal and familiar, places that recall parts of everywhere you have been and everywhere you might wish to go.
libertine, 2011
unritten, 2010
systur, 2011
psalm, 2008
inheriting the earth, 2010
lividity, commissioned by daniel m. sandoval, 2008
parable, 2007
euphoria, 2008
verdigris, 2008
indispensable, 2009
troða húsið, 2009
tower of babel, 2010
epiphany, 2009
apparition, 2008
labyrinthitis, 2009
pimento, 2008
disintegration, 2008. licensed as wall art by Urban Outfitters
lividity, 2008
escapist, 2008
halfway house, 2007
pygmalion makes the world takes, 2010
cochineal, 2008
tonsoreal, 2011
before the fall, 2010
a third slice, 2010
paprikash, 2009



colorful architectural composites
