Impermanence - Packaging and Concept Presentation

Everything in life is constantly changing, transforming, moving and embracing its impermanence. I have tried to showcase this in my packaging and the nature of three items included in this packaging.

The box - that is not a box.

The impermanence board - made of magnetic geometric shapes that can be rearranged and be painted on with water. Their surface is made of water repellent paper causing the water painting to evaporate and vanish in time.

The impermanence cube - geometric shapes that change and order that is broken as you turn sections of the cube.

The impermanence zine - the pages are different sizes to add to the constant change concept and the images reveal impermanence in everyday life, everything from season changes, to the start and end of life.
Impermanence Box

Impermanence Box

This project showcases the idea of Impermanence and how everything in life is constantly changing and transforming into something else. The Box Read More
