Cameo research

Cameos first appeared in the Roman period around 27 BC. They then reappeared in the Renaissance period between the 14th and 17th century. Cameos usually depicted images of gods and goddesses. Although women usually wore Cameos, men also started to wear them in the start of the 18th century to mark their culture.  The first cameos were made out of stone, and then they were made out of shells.

Davis, Ashley. (2017, January 12). The History Behind…Cameos.

The History of Cameos. (2016)

Jones, Tammy. (2015, November 20). Cameos 101: History of Cameo Jewlery, Value and More.

My project

For this project, I chose to mimic the silhouette cameo, which shows the side profile of the person.  I chose the Tiberius profile because I like Greek mythology and the detail of the cameo. Before making my cameo, I learned how to use Adobe Capture by taking a profile picture of myself against a white background. On Adobe capture, I used the shape tool to made the image into a grey scale. I then put the image into Adobe draw and used the basic round brush to outline the photo and then auto-filled it in black. I then uploaded the photo onto Illustrator and created a border frame by selecting the ellipse tool and then selecting the brushes icon in the tool bar, and then selecting brushes and choosing borders and then decorative borders in the library. Once all that was done I the uploaded it onto Behance. The most challenging part of the project was getting the border because there were so many steps to get the border. If i had the opportunity to redo this project I would have chosen a different border and spent more time making it better. Overall, I enjoyed this assignment and found it a lot of fun to learn about the different apps. 

A sardonyx cameo of Emperor Tiberius during the Roman period (1 AD)
A European woman wearing a cameo brooch around her neck in the 1900's
Three types of shells used for cameos in the 19th century

