Transformational Painting Assignment: My job was to create a painting collision from a traditional and contemporary painting following with a theme from one of the paintings. I decide to use The Great Wave off Kanazawa by Katsushika Hokusai for the traditional painting with Animus 3 by yuumei, the contemporary painting. The theme of this painting is pediaphobia, the fear of human infants. Since in Animus 3's theme was pediaphobia, I decided to interpret further more in the issue. Expressing that fear can consume you if you don't try to fight it off. The fish represents human infants since they share similar characteristics in early fetus stages. The waves represents the fear rising up to cover up the female because she wasn't strong enough to fight it off. The bloody hour glass in the top right corner symbolizes that time is ticking and going fast. The female is running out of time to stand up to her fears. I used several layers of paintings to collide them into the traditional and contemporary piece by lowering their opacity. Then for contrast I layer the contemporary painting named, orange megastructure by innevata.   
Layer 4: I added an extra goldfish and bubbles from another contemporary painting onto the painting to create the underwater effect. I also used the paint tool to create the star prints closer to female’s head and the bloody fish.
Layer 3: I masked out the boats and duplicate the fishes on the right to move them onto the left to replace the boat on the wave. I also drew a fish illustration in Adobe Illustrator to replace the boat on top of the wave and on the bottom right corner, mixed with the other fishes. This expresses that fear surrounds you on both sides and top. Then I added the bloody hourglass, putting the opacity down to 60% to make it more translucent.
Layer 2: I added an extra digital, contemporary painting in the background called Blue Lake by artsaus.

Layer 1: I collided the 2 paintings. The traditional painting layered on top of the contemporary painting. Then I masked out the parts that didn’t fit well together. 
Blue Lake 
Artist: artsaus
Found on DeviantArt 

Artist: vuogle
Found on DeviantArt
Losing Flow of Time
Artist: mesoup27
Found on DeviantArt
orange megastructure
Artist: innevata
Found on DevianArt
All Grown Up
Artist: forgottenpantaloons
Found on DeviantArt
The original contemporary painting Animus 3, found on DeviantArt.
The original traditional painting found on google.
Planning with a rough thumbnail sketch and suggests to make my image better. 
The illustrated fish.